Spring 2025 E-Board Members
We are your E-board! We plan & run each semester’s trips, meetings, and activities! E-board meetings are at 6:30pm on Wednesdays right before each weekly meeting, and anybody is free to join! If you have any questions about the club, feel free to Slack DM or email any of us!
Presidents: Gabi Mazurksy & Jacob Ostapenko
Bio: Eleri is a third year Environmental and Sustainability Sciences and Finance major from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Contrary to the common misconception that Idaho is nothing but flat potato fields, the state is primarily comprised of sprawling evergreen forests, mountains, glacial lakes, and roaring rivers. Because of this, Eleri grew up with a deep love for the outdoors. Her favorite outdoor activity is snowboarding (which is definitely better than skiing).
VP Organization: Leah Pascarelli
Bio: Eva Mitskevitch is a 3rd year studying Environmental Engineering. She loves being outdoors; whether it’s backpacking, hiking, climbing, swimming, or just general shenanigans. If you’re reading this right now, put down your device and go enjoy being outside:)
VP Trips: Kazi Ishraq
Bio: Alexa is a fourth-year Health Science major who spends most of her time scheming ways to get outside and avoiding the sad reality that she actually has to go to work. Ask her about hiking, her favorite dog, or anything on the LCT list (especially history – she had a really vivid dream about it once). When she’s not begrudgingly stuck in Boston, you can find her at the loj, escaping reality and pretending she’s not a student.
VP Communications: Helenka Rittenhouse
Bio: Chance is a second-year Electrical and CompE major. He tends to be around a lot. If you haven’t met him yet, then you’re probably next on his list. When he isn’t hiking BIG ROCKS or crawling into the depths beneath them, he’s running a little something called STAIRS (you’ll hear about it on Wednesday).
VP Publicity: Chris Pike
Bio: Chris is a 4th year IE who is sometimes completely reasonable and other times utterly deranged. When he’s not in classes or working, Chris is either skiing something he probably shouldn’t be, hanging out in the woods for extended periods, or playing some stringy instrument or another.
Gear: Molly Johnson
Climbing Chairs: Fiona Wallace (she/her) and Aaron Ky-Riesenbach (he/him)
wallace.f@northeastern.edu / ky-riesenbach.a@northeastern.edu
Aaron likes climbing very much. There are very few other things he thinks about. You should ask him about climbing.
Fiona is a third year Public Health major from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Growing up in the farmlands of the Midwest, there were very few large rocks to climb. Now a New Englander, she will ascend any rock she sees. Ask her about climbing, construction, cartwheels, or horses.
Treasurer: Jonah Lefkoff (he/him)
nuhoc.receipts@gmail.com / lefkoff.h@northeastern.edu
Bio: Jonah is a third year Computer Engineering and Computer Science Major from Boulder, CO. When he’s not crunching numbers for the club finances you can find him ripping down the slopes on his telemark skis (he’ll tell you). In addition, he loves to climb, bike, sail, and fly airplanes.
Loj Committee Chair & Ski Chair: Aidan Ruggles (he/him)
nuhoc.lcc@gmail.com or ruggles.a@northeastern.edu
Bio: Aidan is a fourth year Cell and Molecular Biology major who hails from the great state of Vermont (New Hampshire is worse, much worse). When there is snow he is skiing and when there is not snow he is climbing but he promises to respond to your emails and slacks within a reasonable amount of time (up to his discretion). He can often be found noodlin’ on a guitar found around the Loj fire, bouldering on the outhouse, or crawling around on top of the kitchen shack roof.

Build Committee Co-Chairs: Steven Abbott (he/him) and Filip Musial (he/him)
nuhocbuildcommittee@gmail.com (individual: sbabbott08@gmail.com and musial.f@northeastern.edu)

Permanent SGA Representative: Meg Dalrymple (she/her)
Bio: In 1996, the world was changed for the better when Margaret Dalrymple was born. Through much trial and tribulation growing up in middle class suburban New Jersey, she persevered and was accepted to Northwestern University. In the fall of 2014, she began her quest for knowledge in biology. During her sophomore year, she was dragged to the luxurious Quincy Quarries to try going up things. Given the prime environment, she was instantly hooked on climbing. Her middler year, she became the NUHOC SGA rep and has been ever since. She plans on dying in a freak accident at 69, but until then wants to do rad things outside. She is currently 28(?) years old.