General Meeting 9/22 – All About Build Committee!!
Helloooooooo NUHOC!
It was great to see that so many faces both young and old made it up to the Loj last weekend! The new generation of NUHOC looks promising.
If you were at the Loj for the first time last weekend, you may have noticed that what we call the Loj is actually a yurt – once upon a time, the Loj was its own cabin, the Brown Memorial Loj, which was built by members of the club in 1971. The Brown Memorial Loj burnt down in 2015, but the yurt was erected as a temporary structure in its place – keyword temporary, because we are in the process of building a new Loj!
This week’s meeting, which will be tomorrow night at 7:30 PM in Cargill 97, will feature (in addition to our normal trip signups for LCT/Open Loj weekend this weekend, gear rentals, and club updates) a presentation from our Build Committee. They will discuss the new Loj plans and give some great background information about our club’s history. This is a great opportunity for new members to get more involved with how our club works and to catch up on the history lesson you may have missed if you didn’t make it to Alumni Weekend last weekend!