Meeting Notes 5/29
NUHOC Meeting 5/29/19 (WE WENT TO ACADIA)
What did people do this weekend?
Spencer went to the Adirondacks
Mac got 10 kayaks lined up and we paddled as one
Max hiked great head
Mike Nelson (also known as Bike Nelson) biked
Someone else biked 25 miles
Isaac ran up 2 mountains
3 peak hike with Harrison was so fun
Jackson got swarmed by bugs and was a risky belay
Alumni ate lots of chips and salsa
Mia saw bioluminesce and the moonrise at the lighthouse
Lots of alien sightings
This week – M&M (Mac and Mike) intro to backpacking with M&Ms (the candy) at Mt Carrigain, open loj
June 7-8 – Pride at the loj/open loj
June 15-16 – Work weekend
June 22-23 – Open loj
June 29-30 – Parent’s weekend
Member led trips
Help katie move on saturday
Harrison is backpacking June 26-30th
Spencer might go to Mammoth for the 4th of july
*Theja arrives at the meeting*
The loj is like acadia but maybe better and is in the White Mountains
You can do all kinds of things and sleep in the yurt or in a tent or a hammock
You can talk to Nat about becoming a LCT (loj committee trainee) to learn to run the loj
There are gear people who run the gear locker
To get gear, start by filling out the form on (the poem is the link to the form)
Please give the gear back
Things to buy + being a member
Cotton T shirts that say “I’d rather be at the loj” and if you’ve never been there, you’d probably rather be there
New T shirts
Water bottles
Mark Synnott books
You can start the process to be a member by filling out the form on, then bring $10 to a meeting and give it to Jackson or Anna or Tom, they’ll give you a paper form, and then you’ll get a membership card
Reimbursements from acadia
Include your name, student ID, address, and scanned receipts
Insta: @wegoontrips (Harrison posted Acadia pics!)
Join the Google group to get emails
Trip grants
Fund undergrads going on cool trips
Who wants to join the trip grants committee? It’s just Charlie when Mike leaves for Summer 2
You do a preliminary and final proposal and maybe get money!
Summer 2 trip proposals are due June 12
THE WEATHER (Spencer is here)
73 Friday
73 Saturday
71 with rain Sunday
64 Friday
65 Saturday
65 with rain Sunday
Mammoth (Your Mommoth)
Saturday rain
Sunday rain
4th of July fireworks
4 inches of snow on Mt Washington last night
Spencer’s slightly silly snow statistics IS BACK
How many inches of snow on Mt Washington per year? 281
On average how much snow do you need to melt to get one inch of water? 10
In the cottonwood canyons of Utah, how many inches of snow do you need to get one inch of water? 18
Give Spencer a year and a mountain range where they had the most snow there ever. Adirondacks 2019
Theja is going north this weekend and then maybe to the loj and hiking or mountain biking