Meeting Notes 7/17
What did we do this weekend?
David went bowling with Burke and Bridget in Seattle and hiked part of Mt Rainier
Katie has an herb garden
Mac hiked to the top of Jefferson and put on a long formal gown and ate a 3 course meal
Harrison deep cleaned his room and went to a Carly Rae Jepsen concert
Some people went to Revere Beach
G watched Chris eat ice cream and found a dinosaur and rekindled her love for hiking and swam in the ocean
Nate spent a lot of time hiking in NZ but not this weekend
Dan S ripped his shorts open on rocks
Tom has a new family member (a bike) named Lucky
Mallory had an awesome weekend at formal hike and solved the canoe joke
This weekend is G’s birthday (July 21st)
Next weekend is Cape Cod bike trip and there’s a waitlist but wish them luck, maybe also an open loj
August 2-4 is another open loj
August 9-11 water with Becca and open loj
August 16-18 lojapalooza (arts and music weekend at the loj)
Member led trips
August 2-4 G is going to New York for a women’s climbing comp with clinics after
August 9-11 trip grants flights with Nick Deporzio and Jackson, sign-ups next week
This Saturday beach day with Ian at Carson beach
Harrison goes backpacking and if you want to go talk to him (including 2-3 day pemi loop at the end of the summer)
Erin is hiking the twins on Saturday
Who’s the loj?
Almost every weekend it’s open and almost every weekend we do things there
Become an LCT if you want to become more involved in the loj and maybe eventually you’ll get keys for life
We have a gear locker with gear
Website, form, pick up gear, bring gear back
Email if you want gear not on a Wednesday
REI Outlet Collapsible water bottle lantern
REI 48oz nalgene
REI Outlet 27floz wine Platypus PlatyPreserve
REI $1050 with free shipping water filter
Maybe Ebay for your other water bottle needs
Being a member memberships
Online form
Follow Jackson to the gear locker
Paper form
$10 & you’re a member
We also have shirts and koozies and keychains
Send Harrison Nuhoc photos even if they’re old
Friday 89 partly cloudy
Saturday 97 partly cloudy
Sunday 91 rainy
Friday 89
Saturday 93
Sunday 87
Wacky wikipedia wonders
DB Cooper
This guy in 1971 hijacked a plane between Portland and Seattle, requested $200,000 (1.2 mil today) and a parachute, landed in the Seattle airport, got the money, jumped out of the plane and they never found him
(He walks in our midst?)
Open loj sign ups will be on social media if we end up having one
West village quad next meeting!