The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting Tomorrow, October 15

Hope everyone’s long weekend was great, especially those who went to NUComers!

This week’s meeting, tomorrow at 7:30pm in 108 Snell Engineering, we will be doing sign-ups for this coming weekend’s Work Weekend at the Loj. We will also be collecting gas receipts from drivers for NUComers so you can get reimbursed. PLEASE INCLUDE ALL these things on the back of the receipt:
Phone #
Pickup check or mail check (Checks are picked up from the Student Activities Business Office on the 4th floor of Curry)
***Receipts will be due by the end of the meeting on Oct 22.***

We had many great pictures from this past weekend it was hard to choose who to feature this week, but Abby Moreton won with her shot from the top of Webster Cliff!

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