The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Trip Leaders

We are always excited to have people join us to lead trips!  It is a very rewarding experience to help a group of your peers experience your favorite parts of the outdoors.  Whether you have a ton of outdoor experience and are ready to jump right in, or you want to learn more about what it takes to lead a trip and learn new skills, there is a place for you. 

This page outlines the skills we would like trip leaders to have. Additionally, this page lists some good resources for planning hikes and other adventures in the White Mountains.

If you are familiar with everything here and want to lead a trip, reach out to the VP Trips. Depending on your experience and your comfort level, we may recommend that you co-lead a trip with a current trip leader before leading a trip on your own.

If you want to learn more about the skills on this page, there are lots of opportunities to do so. We will often have a “How to run a trip” presentation at a meeting at some point during the semester. We will also have time after meetings to talk through specific skills. Of course, the best way to learn is to go on a trip! Come up to the Loj, go on a hike, etc. Also, talk to current trip leaders – we love to share our knowledge of outdoor skills with anyone who is interested!

Trip Leader Skills

Know How to Planning and Prepare for a Trip

Know How to Navigate

Plan For Emergencies

Be Aware of Local Resources and Landmarks