The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Trip Grants Program


Update: Trip Grants applications are OPEN for Summer ’25. See below for more information about the process and what you should submit. 

Trip Grant Submission Form

Have an idea for an awesome trip you want to lead? The NUHOC Trip Grants Committee wants to help make it a reality.

Here is the basic rundown of how it works:
  1. You have an awesome idea for a trip you want to lead
  2. Submit the Trip Grant Preliminary Proposal Form
  3. Within one week, we will reach out and let you know if we want to move forward with potentially funding your trip
  4. If we want to move forward, we will send you information about the formal proposal, and you will have one week to send it to us
  5. We will respond with our final decision within two weeks of receiving this formal proposal. During that time, we may reach out for additional information or to schedule a brief meeting to discuss your trip.
  6. If your trip is selected for funding, we will reach out with information about reimbursements
  7. Within a semester of running your trip, you will give an awesome presentation all about your trip at a NUHOC meeting

Here is an example ​​of a final proposal so you know what it will eventually look like. Upon approval after the preliminary stage, the committee will provide you with an official template and submission link for your last step.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I run my trip if I submit my proposal this semester?
You should submit a proposal for a trip that you want to run next semester. For example, in the Spring semester you can submit a proposal for a trip that you want to run anytime over the Summer. We do not grant trips for the same semester, or multiple semesters ahead of time.

Can I use trip grants funding to fund the fee for a NUHOC trip?
Unfortunately Trip Grants money cannot be used to fund the cost of a NUHOC trip you attend (e.g. Intro to Ski, Acadia, etc).

Do I have to take other NUHOC members on my trip?
You can take whoever you want on your trip! It does not have to be NUHOC members or Northeastern students.

About how much money can I expect to receive from Trip Grants?
Trip Grants funds two types of trips: small trips and big trips. Small trips get $150 in funding, and big trips get $250. The “size” of your trip will be determined based on the amount of people going, length of the trip, and the total cost.

What can I not spend Trip Grants money on?
You can’t spend money from Trip Grants on personal gear (such as buying your own tent for the trip). Things such as permits, gas, food, and just about everything else are able to be covered! If you have questions about whether something can be paid for, just ask.

If you have any questions, contact the Trip Grants committee chair, MacKenzie Mazzarisi, on Slack.