January 23 Meeting Notes
So, big storm rolled in last weekend, anyone else do anything cool outside?
Tom went skiing at loon and it was freezing
Dylan shoveled his car a lot
Katie went tele skiing and backcountry skiing for the first time
We got other skiers at loon
Dan went to BelAir and went skiing before the storm
Other Dan we can’t hear
Becca skied backwards and jumped (on skis) for the first time and a bunch of other firsts including burnt pasta
Any other snow storm shenanigans?
Well we’ve got some comin up
Jan 25-27 Intro to Ski
You can only sign up if you have a car and can drive it right now or be put on the waitlist.
Feb 1-3 Open Loj Groundhog’s Day
Feb 8-10 is the mystery weekend
Feb 15-18 Winter Carnival
Led by Cardoso, if you are an alumni looking to be a judge he needs more
It’s a fun competition filled weekend
How to: trips
- Sign up at the meeting or online from the calendar
- You get a trip call form whoever is in charge of rides, so expect a call from an unknown number. If you didn’t get a call, you didn’t make the cut
- Get your stuff together to meet at Bank of America on Forsyth at 6:30pm Friday
- You are on a trip! Fun
- You pay some people and go home (gas and food).
Gracie is gonna tell us about the Loj today
So, if you’re new or have heard this speech 100 times, what is the loj?
The loj is a special place that used to be a wooden structure up in NH but a couple years ago it burned down unfortunately. It was called the Brown memorial loj, named after one of the builders that unfortunately died after founding the club called the Huskiers in 1941.
The loj is now a yurt. With kinda heat sometimes.
If you go up to the loj 3 separate times, you can email bridget and say hey I want to be an LCT and then you get a list with 27 things and once you finish those things you host a dinner and decide if you can be an LC which means you get to have responsibilities and have your keys for life.
So personally I came into NUHOC in a weird place cause I got accepted to NUin, but was medically not able to go to nuin so I got Aoun and he said I have to go to night school, so I wasn’t really meeting freshman, I was meeting 40 year old men coming back to school (literally my lab partner came out of jail) and I wanted to join a really cool club that I could meet people and found NUHOC on the first page of activities.
I have my gift for the loj which needs a little explanation. I fell in a lake or river thing twice at the loj, and needed to borrow some stuff from people like this stuff for the loj including some socks, some hand warmers, and some NUHOC chocolate that will hopefully keep things warm.
Was that big mountain little mountain on the socks? Yes
What’s your favorite memory at the loj? I met this alumni named Grace and she told this great story when it was 5 degrees out that she was in one outhouse and heard someone knock on the door and ask if grace was okay and she was really confused and answered that she was okay and then a little girl came out of the other stall and was like yeah I’m fine and it all made sense.
What is the big mountain and what is the little mountain and what are their heights? Washington maybe? Oh no. If it’s not that they both have bad names and are taller than me.
Follow up: mountains off the back deck? Was it washington? How? Ooooh Howe
What is the shape of the yurt? Circle with a cone
If you could fight one LC who would it be? Based on these questions I’ll have to line you up and punch you one at a time
How many peaks above 5000 in NE? 15? There’s 7, can you name them. (there’s actually 9)
If you could run any intro trip what would it be? Intro to running trips
What are the ingredients in a margarita? I don’t think i’m legally allowed to answer that
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck one cord of wood in cubic feet? Um I’d say about 3
Toms question? Portsmith
Some complicated question no one understood.
Do you know the conversion between bouldering grades and ice grades? 2:1
What’s your favorite color? What’s a memory from the loj? Green; the yurt
If you’re travelling one furlong per fortnight, how long does it take you in the winter to get to the yurt? 14.5
Have you ever been to the ledges? No
How many pumps does it take to get water when its 0 outside? 30.25
When we build the loj again, what color should you? What would you? Whatevers the most fire retardant. All the colors of the rainbow right to left.
You’re going up to the loj this weekend, it’s friday night you’re real eager to get up there so you say “ I’m gonna lead the way” snow covered and all and you find as you’re on your way a whole pack of laser meese and one jetpack bear, so what are you gonna do to keep everyone safe and get up to the loj?
I know where the river I fell into multiple times is on the loop, and it’s now frozen over, and this jetpack bear uses his fire and will melt all the ice and they will all fall in and simultaneously freeze and drown.
Let us deliberate for a minute:
So, how do you think it went? Katie are lunch with her at NUcomers and it was great. Harrison calls dibs on a sock
In favor? Everyone behind row two
Not? All front two rows
Clear majority votes her in.
If you want gear or don’t know how to get gear come talk to us later
Jackson seconds that but if you want to be a member talk to Jackson or Tom after the meeting
We have an email and an instagram and an online webpage (brand new website) nuhoc.com
Google NUHOC it’s the fourth result.
Apart from that, we’re doing photo contests and Becca won this last week with 1 submission and won this sticker
Trip Grants Presentation:
Hey guys, we’re the trip grants committee, Harrison, Mike, Catherine, Connor, John
If you want to do something really cool outside, well give you free money
If you have a plan or preliminary plan, submit it to us and well fund them
This is on the website if you go to trip grants: basically we have 2000 a year to spend on trips that you want to do guaranteed for funding.
Not many people are submitting so good chances for yours.
What you have to do: trips, trip grants, and then there’s a little survey to fill out and it will be read by the committee and give you feedback to make your real proposal
Trips that have been done:
Canoeing- Dan went canoeing over the summer with some other people and it was a fun time. Important thing is to keep your receipts or you won’t get money
Way to go dan.
Katahdin: Malcom and others climbed a route on katahdin it was sick, we got guac on our burritos because of trip grants
Upcoming: dogsledding on sunday of one of the loj weekends
Probably have two groups and discount it because it’s pretty pricey (what do they feed these dogs?) Date coming up
If you haven’t planned a trip before we can help you plan.
You also have to do a presentation about your trip afterwards.
Undergrad members can propose.
What can’t you do? Scuba diving, skydiving, spelunking, bungee jumping, ice climbing
Probably won’t fund a simple little day hike thing, there’s guidelines on the website.
Thursday: all our snow is gonna melt! And it’ll rain
Friday: 40/22 and sunny
Saturday 33/27 partly cloudy
Sunday: 44/28 partly cloudy
Friday: 30/4 cloudy
Sat: 19/6 partly cloudy
Sun:29/10 snowy
*if you want to do the thing we aren’t allowed to do, we’re allowed to do it with College Outside*
Ice Climbing! There’s games, and people in jackets and lots of Ron’s
The full ticket is gear and guiding, there’s also an option for if you have the gear.
Tickets go on sale at 10am Friday
Feb 23-24
At Camp Cody in NH. lots of beginner ice and some other stuff.
Comes with food and lodging.
There were people there who have never climbed period last year, they provide the gear and guides to teach you.
Memberled trips:
Harrison wants to do
Tom is gonna actually go to metrorock on Friday if anyone wants to come
Tom doyle is daytripping loon on saturday with Anthony and some other people.
Now we’re gonna be screening a ski movie called Gnar to get hyped!