The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting Notes 6/5

NUHOC General Meeting 6/5/2019

What did we do this weekend?

Becca fed horses peppermints in Kentucky

M&M backpacking

G went climbing with Spencer & Co. on Saturday and had a good time and went climbing with Meg on Sunday and had a bad time

Katie had a good time on Saturday moving couches up stairs

Ian stayed inside and was sick but it was more fun than moving

Theja hiked and mountain biked

More people went backpacking with M&M!

Max went to a poetry reading and “didn’t cry”

Tom sat on the beach and did nothing in Stone Harbor

Erika’s roommate is here and biked to Walden and back

Trips with G

June 7-9 Open loj & pride

June 14-16 Work weekend

June 21-23 Open loj

June 28-30 Parents weekend

July 5-7 Patriotic search for snow

July 12-14 Formal hike

July 19-21 Intro to intro to backpacking

July 26-28 Cape cod bike trip

Trail work

June 7, Friday, 9-4pm in the Berkshires with AMC

July 6, Berkshires with AMC

July 14th, Sunday, Berkshires with AMC

Sept 27-29, Chatham trails in NH/ME

The loj!

At the loj we go hiking and climbing and skiing

Work weekend is next weekend

You can become a LCT after going to the Loj 3 times, you give a speech and get a checklist, host a dinner, then maybe become a LC and get keys for life


You might need gear

Go to nuhoc.com, click the gear tab, click the link in the poem, fill out a form

Get gear after meetings

Give it back!


Today on sale at LLBean is a yellow 2 person tent and a women’s flannel jacket (pricing is suspicious)

Membership & Money

Go to Nuhoc.com for the online membership form

Get a paper form from Anna, Tom, or Jackson

Pay $10,000 ($10)

Get a membership card for a year !

For sale:

water bottles $10

coasters “we drink [instant] coffee in the woods” $5

laser meese taser geese keychains $5

Logo keychains $5

Trees keychains $4

T shirts $20

Koozies $3

Mark Synnott book $5, donate proceeds to the Access Fund!

Acadia reimbursements are due today!

old Nuhoc shirts “moisture management” $10

Social media

Harrison’s inner thoughts on Nuhoc

*Harrison does a kickflip* (kind of)




Showercap on the sun Friday and Saturday at the loj :/

Friday 74

Saturday 76

Sunday 83


Friday 69

Saturday 73

Sunday 77

Sometimes there is smoke and darkness in the middle of the day

Blood rain CAN happen and it’s not actually blood but it is red (it’s a fungus) (is that better?)

Raining fish happens all the time, at least once a year and sometimes it rains frogs or octopi in China

Spider rain in Argentina and Australia and Brazil

Raining cats and dogs came about because in London they used to get caught in the gutters and die and fall out when it was raining?

Charlie is on trip grants and you can be too

We need trip grants committee people (especially who are here during the summer)

Undergrads can get funded to go on trips if they plan and propose it

Examples are dog sledding and hiking part of the Appalachian trail

Schedule for proposals on Nuhoc website under trips

More weather

It rained meat in Kentucky (pork or bear) but it was maybe vulture puke