The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting and Movie Night 6-13-18

Hello NUHOC. Come to a brief meeting at 109 Robinson at 7:30 tomorrow. Then join us in AfterHours at 8:00 for a showing of the TGR mountain biking movie unReal.

Meeting 6-6-18

Hello Nuhoc! Come hang out with us in 109 Robinson at 7:30 PM tomorrow to hear about some upcoming trips that we have to offer! Bouldering weekend, work weekend, and more! Hope to see you there!

Meeting 5-30-18

Hellooo Nuhocers, hope all of you enjoyed your long weekend outside. Come to 109 Robinson this Wednesday at 7:30 to share your Acadia stories and hear about the exciting trips that we have coming up! Hope to see you there!

Meeting 5/23/18 Acadia Meeting

Nuhocers, this week our meeting will be about all things ACADIA in preparation for our annual Acadia trip which, is this coming weekend. If you are going to Acadia with us please come to our meeting tomorrow at 7:30 PM in 109 Robinson where trip organizer Zach Flinkström will be giving a rundown and answering questions.

Constitution Update Vote on 5/16/18

Four score and seven years ago…we created a NUHOC constitution, and now it is time to vote to update it. Come vote during our general meeting on Wednesday, May 16th at 7:30 PM in 109 Robinson

First Meeting of the Summer 5/9/18

Helloooo NUHOC! We hope you got outside and enjoyed your short break from school. Come to our first Summer meeting in 109 Robinson at 7:30 PM to hear about our plans for the summer! Cape Cod Bike Trip, Acadia, and more!

Meeting 4-18-18

Hello Nuhoc!!
Tomorrow is the last meeting of the semester! Eboard elections will be taking place and we will be hosting our annual Jorts Jamboree potluck! So come down to Shillman 335 tomorrow at 7:30 with jorts and some food to share and we will celebrate the end to another semester!

Meeting 4-11

Hello Nuhoc!
With only two more meeting left this semester we are starting the Eboard election process. We will be making nominations tonight at 7:30 in 335 Shillman and then next week we will be voting and celebrating with our annual Jorts Jamboree (Jorts not required but come on why wouldnt you want to wear jorts with friends)!

Meeting 4-4-18

Hello Nuhoc! We have a meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm in 335 Shillman. As the semester starts to wrap up we are having nuhoc superlative nominations! So join us and nominate someone for best beard or best cook (or many others)!

Meeting 3-28-18

Hello Nuhoc! We have a meeting tomorrow night (3-28) at 7:30 in 335 Shillman. It is starting to finally feel like spring so get outside while the weather is nice!!