The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting 11/16

Hello NUHOC!

Tomorrow night we will be having a meeting at in 129 HURTIG at 7:30pm. We’ll go over what trips are coming up for the rest of the semester and have sign-ups for those trips if you’re interested. Hope to see you all tomorrow!

Meeting 11/9

Hello NUHOC!

Our next meeting is tomorrow night at 7:30pm in 129 HURTIG. There will be a presentation about a trip some NUHOCers recently went on. We will also be talking about upcoming trips happening in November that you can sign up for. Another fun thing coming up is a showing of Reel Rock in AfterHours next Tuesday 11/15 at 7pm. You should definitely come check it out! See you all tomorrow!


Meeting 11/2

Hello NUHOC!

Tomorrow night is our next meeting at 7:30pm in 129 HURTIG. We’ll talk about some upcoming trips and have signups if you want to join in! See you all tomorrow!


Meeting 10/26

Hello NUHOC!

We will be having a meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm in 129 HURTIG. Come hear about some awesome trips coming up and sign up for things you might be interested in! We will also be talking about how to treat backcountry water, which is super useful for when you run out of water in the woods. Hope to see you all there!

Meeting 10/19

Tomorrow night we will be having out meeting in 129 HURTIG (not RICHARDS) at 7:30pm. We’ll talk about some upcoming trips that you can go on such as our annual Hallowork Weekend! You’ll also hear stories from another awesome trip that a NUHOCer went on this summer. See you all tomorrow!

Reminder for anyone who has receipts from NUComers to submit your receipts! If you want to be reimbursed you must to it ASAP (like today). All you have to do is send in Nucomers receipts (as a PDF)  with your name, NU Id, address, and phone number to Nuhoc.receipts@gmail.com. The sooner you send them in, the sooner you will receive your money back. If you have any issues send questions to that same email.

Meeting 10/12!

Hello NUHOC!

We’re back to our usual time of 7:30 pm in 200 RICHARDS tomorrow night. Come hear about what people did at NUComers this past weekend and about some trips we have planned for the next few months that you can sign up for. We will also have an alumni talk about an awesome trip he went on this year! It’s going to be a great meeting, so we hope to see you all there!


Meeting Tomorrow 10/5!!

Hello NUHOC!

We’re shaking things up a bit this week! If you are one of the lucky people that got a ticket to NUComers, there will be a meeting at 7:00 pm in 200 RICHARDS to go over all the details about the trip and answer any questions people have.

Then at 7:30 pm in 200 RICHARDS everyone else will join to listen to Mark Synnott tell some awesome stories about the cool things he has done. You will not want to miss this meeting! To get pumped, here is a video you all should watch.



Meeting 9/28!

Hello NUHOC!

Tomorrow night is our next meeting in 200 RICHARDS at 7:30 pm. Come hear about some outdoors tips that will definitely be useful to know and get to hear an alumni talk about an awesome trip he went on! You can also find about some exciting things coming up in the next few weeks. See you all there!

If you want to continue receiving emails after the next few meetings, sign up for the NUHOC google group by following this link: NUHOC Google Group

You will need to use a non-husky email!


Meeting 9/21!

Hello NUHOC!

We have a meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm back in 200 RICHARDS. Come hear about cool adventures NUHOCers went on earlier this year! We’ll also be talking about trips coming up soon that you can sign up for. See you tomorrow!

If you want to continue receiving emails after the next few meetings, sign up for the NUHOC google group by following this link: NUHOC Google Group

You will need to use a non-husky email!


Meeting 9/14!

Hello NUHOC!

Tomorrow night is our next meeting in 201 MUGAR at 7:30 (NOT RICHARDS). We will be beginning our speaker series so join us and see some presentations about awesome trips people went on! You can also find out about some great trips coming up that you can be a part of. Hope to see you tomorrow!