The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting tonight!

Heeh guys,
We have a meeting this week at 7:00 in 300 Richards hall. It’s going to be great time as we share all the great things we have done over the last two weeks in the snow, so you guys should all come!

Fact: It is possible to ski the east from later October/early November till early July(weather depending). How many days are you guys at?
See you guys there!

No meeting tomorrow.

Unfortunately our meeting for tomorrow has been cancelled due to school cancellation. Not so unfortunate has been the snow these last 48 hours! Hope you guys all got out and where able to enjoy the snow. Let us know what you have been doing by tagging Nuhoc Loj on facebook or @wegoontrips on instagram and twitter.

For the fact of week I decided to educate ourselves about snow:
The most snow to fall in any 24 hour period(Continental US) is 75.8 inches , well over six feet, at Silver Lake, Colorado. The most we have ever gotten on the east coast is 49 inches on Mount Washington, New Hampshire during a Feb 25, 1969 blizzard. So I guess we could always hope for more!


First Meeting of 2015!

Happy new year and welcome back from winter break! I hope you were able to so some pretty awesomely epic stuff in the outdoors the last few weeks! Come to our first meeting of the semester tomorrow (Wednesday, per usual) at 7:30pm in 300 Richards! We’ll be sharing stories of cool trips, starting signups for the first trips of the year, and getting stoked for another winter in New England! Don’t miss out!

New to NUHOC? Get a preview of our club tonight at the Winter Involvement Fair from 5-7pm in Curry. We’ll have a table set up and we’ll be ready to answer any questions you might have. Hope to see you all there!

If you need a little inspiration to get the semester going, check out this video, and come hang out with us tomorrow!

Winter Activity Fair!

Welcome back from winter break! If you’re just now thinking about joining NUHOC, come talk to us at the Winter Activities Fair on Tuesday January 13, from 5-7pm. We’ll have a table at the Curry indoor quad, and we’d love to meet you and answer your potential questions! Come hear about our trips, our club, our gear, and anything else about NUHOC!

Hope to see you there!

Election Results for Spring 2015 E-Board

Hello again,

If you missed our meeting last night we are very sad that you couldn’t make it. The link below is to a video showing a bit from our elections that you missed, ENJOY!

Your Spring 2015 E-Board is:
President– Mallorie Stanley
VP Org- Alysha Griffiths
VP Trips- Doug Franklin
VP Publicity- Goos Boer
VP Communications- Leah Doroski
SGA Rep- Anthony Turner
Weatherperson- Mitch Kucia
Treasurer- David Butler
LCC- Tim Dyson
Gear Person- Chris Rost
Gear Person and Climbing Chair- Julia Thoreson

Enjoy the start of finals week NUHOCers and see you next semester!

weather dance


Last Meeting of the Semester Tomorrow: Elections!


Tomorrow will be our last meeting of the semester, in 108 Snell Engineering at 7:30pm. It is a VERY important one because we will be voting for our e-board for Spring 2015. If you were nominated and accept your nomination please have a speech ready for tomorrow. Amid the start of finals I know that time is tight, but make your best efforts to come to vote. We want to elect good leaders that will reflect the club’s interests in the best way and keep NUHOC awesome.

To get you in the voting spirit please like ONE, and only ONE of the photos on the facebook post. Also please do not reveal if it is your photo. Whoever gets the most likes will be the winner of the NUHOC nalgene. Facebook group

See you tomorrow!

Meeting Tomorrow, November 19: Flannel Formal and Nominations

Well it is finally cold outside and there is a chance of flurries for our meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm in 108 Snell Engineering. You should wear your finest flannel because it is FLANNEL FORMAL!! This event is when we wear flannel and bring food to share. If you plan on coming please respond to our event on facebook and post what you plan to bring for the potluck.

In all the fun and festivities we also will be doing nominations for our Spring 2015 e-board! It is very important to the club that we have quality leaders on the e-board, as they help keep the club going and bring new ideas to continue to make NUHOC amazing. Please consider who you want to nominate to be on e-board, self-nominations are welcome as well. Below are descriptions of the positions on e-board open for nominations. Good ones to introduce you to e-board are VP Communications, Publicity, Weatherperson, or SGA Rep.

  • President: run e-board and general meetings; point contact for the school, alumni, and Loj committee; organize deadlines and other projects including proposals; moderate gmail, orgsync and other NUHOC platforms; oversee the rest of the e-board; delegate and moderate what is going on in the club and make decisions
  • VP Organization: president’s right hand person and in the absence of president will carry out the duties of the office, appoint committee chairpersons as required;  responsible for planning any programming for the meetings (speakers, movies, etc.); do miscellaneous duties like booking of room and vans
  • VP of Trips: responsible for helping organize all club outings; coordinate trip sign-ups and waivers; screen trip leaders; create new trips
  • VP Publicity: advertise meetings and other NUHOC events on all social media platforms; create posters for annual trips, print at reprographics and hang them; maintain the website and other social media sites; attend and organize participation in the activities fairs
  • VP of Communications: keep minutes of the club and e-board meetings; keep permanent records of the club; assist the Treasurer especially with memberships; responsible for checking the mail
  • SGA Representative: be a member of the SGA; attend mandatory SGA meetings; keep e-board informed on rules and proceedings of SGA
  • Weatherperson: accurately predict the and illustrate the weather for upcoming NUHOC events; prevent unwanted precipitation and produce wanted precipitation

Our photo comes from Eleanor Grams this week from the top of Caribou Mt.

photo (2)

Hope to see you all tomorrow for our last meeting before Thanksgiving Break

Meeting Tomorrow, November 12

Hello NUHOC!

Tomorrow’s meeting will be at 7:30pm in 108 Snell Engineering and last longer than usual because we will be watching a MOVIE!!! In order to get us pumped for the season of snow we will be watching “Jeremy Jones Higher.” Check out the trailer here. Feel free to bring snacks!

Also to get us further stoked for winter the winner of this week’s photo contest is Dana Belanger! She showed us that there is a ton of snow at the top of Mt. Jefferson. Thanks for the pic!

dana belanger

Meeting Tomorrow, November 5

Hope everyone’s Halloweekend was amazing!

We have a meeting tomorrow at 7:30 in 108 Snell Engineering. Sign-ups for LCT weekend (this weekend’s loj trip) will take place. If you have been to the loj 3 times and would like to become an LCT in order to go to the loj this weekend give Tim Dyson an email at dyson.ti@gmail.com. In order to become an LCT you have to have gone to the loj 3 times, say a speech at a meeting and present a gift (anything that reminds you of the loj or what you think the loj needs will do)! You still have time to become a LCT at tomorrow’s meeting so just give Tim an email ASAP.

As this weekend was Halloween NUHOCers decided to hike Frankenstein Cliffs this weekend, and the weather made it extra spooky! Thanks Danielle Wagner for the photo!

photo (1)

Meeting Tomorrow, October 29

This is your friendly reminder that there is a meeting tomorrow 7:30pm in 108 Snell Engineering! We will be having a special guest, Jamie, from Leave No Trace come talk to us about what it means to leave no trace and how we could do it on our own adventures! Jamie will also be talking about her experiences with the AMC. Since we are so close to Halloween we will have sign-ups for Halloween at the loj and a pumkiñata for after the meeting.

Thank you Sophie DeGroot for the awesome picture from the top of Mt. Lafayette! If you want to be the winner of the weekly photo contest please tag Nuhoc Loj on facebook or @wegoontrips on instagram and twitter by 4pm on the Tuesday before the meeting.
