The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting March 12th!

Welcome back from Spring Break, everybody! We all hope that you were able to do some pretty amazing things in the outdoors while we were away, and hopefully you used what you learned at the last meeting to Leave No Trace! Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 12 (tomorrow). We hope to see you all at 7:30pm in 300 Richards! We will be talking more about upcoming open loj weekends and SOLO weekend! Come sign up!

In honor of the EPIC POW northern New England is expected to get this week, check out this video featuring some people playing in some pow!
See you all tomorrow!

Meeting February 26

Come to this week’s meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm in 300 Richards! Because the Leave No Trace representatives could not make it last time, we will be having them speak at tomorrow’s meeting, so don’t miss out on this awesome presentation! We will also be talking about upcoming trips to the Loj, talking about when the Loj will be open over spring break, and starting sign ups for the Loj this weekend.

This week’s outdoor video goes out to all the climbers in the world. Check out “The Hardest of the Alps!”

See you all tomorrow!

Upcoming Trip Updates

We just updated the upcoming trips calendar for the month of March, so make sure to check that out! It’s a busy time right now, it being mid-semester and all. Make sure to plan your time accordingly so you don’t miss out on these awesome trips that we have planned!

Meeting February 19th!

We hope you all had another great week getting out in the snow, and that we’ll see you all tonight at our meeting in 300 Richards at 7:30pm. We have an Open Loj/XC Skiing trip this weekend, which we’ll be doing sign-ups for, and we’ll be talking about more upcoming trips! Additionally, we’ll hear a couple LCT speeches, and we’ll have special guest Mike Brown, co-founder of GearCommons, a gear sharing website. Come hear what he has to say about starting his own business connected to outdoor sports!

Now, we know many of you were pumped to get out there this weekend for a taste of the Valentine’s Day pow (best V-Day present EVER!), but here’s a video of some people who took advantage of the storm in a different way:

PAX February 13-14-15-2014 from Ralph’s Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

Do we have any surfers out there?? If so, come talk to us!
See you all tonight!

Meeting February 12!

Hi NUHOCers! We missed you all terribly last week, but we sure enjoyed the snow day! Come tell us about all the wintery things you did last week at our meeting tomorrow, February 12, at 7:30pm in 300 Richards! We will also be holding sign ups for this weekend’s Winter Carnival at the loj! If you’ve never been to Winter Carnival, you should absolutely sign up! It’s an eventful weekend filled with games and contests against other NUHOC members. Perhaps a little like those other Winter Games that are happening right now… (Shout out to Jamie Anderson and Sage Kostenburg for taking home gold for snowboard slopestyle this weekend!)

Since there aren’t any great videos of the US Olympic wins, check out this video of some crazy slackliners getting their own air! This takes “flight of the Frenchies” to the next level!

See you all tomorrow!

Meeting Wednesday 2/5

We all hope you got a chance to get out and do something outdoorsy this weekend/week. Don’t forget to come to our meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm in 300 Richards! We’ll be starting sign ups for Winter Carnival! This trip will fill up fast, so don’t miss out!

As some of you have never been to a meeting, some of you are new members to the club, and some of you may have been members for a while but forget what why you joined, I think this week’s featured video really shows what we’re all about here in NUHOC. Listen to what Brice Portolano has to say about the drive to KEEP EXPLORING:

Keep it outside!

Meeting January 29th!

We hope you’re all waxing up your planks (whether you ride one or two) because Intro to Ski and Snowboard at Mt. Abrams is just a week and a half away (Feb. 7-9)! If you want to go on this trip and still haven’t signed up, you *MUST* sign up at tomorrow night’s meeting. That’s your last chance! As usual, the meeting will be at 7:30pm in 300 Richards.

To get stoked about this trip, we’ll also be showing an awesome ski/snowboard video, kinda like the one below!

Check out how Charles Reid got into snowboarding, and where it took him:

Charles Reid @Superpark 2013 from Oakley Canada on Vimeo.

Disclaimer: Always wear a helmet. See you tomorrow!

Intro to Ski and Snowboard UPDATE!

Hey guys!

We want to keep you all updated on the NUHOC Intro to Ski and Snowboard weekend. There are two things to emphasize:
  1. The price we were originally given is a little off, so it will actually cost $29.
  2. The last time to sign up for this trip is at next week’s meeting, on Wednesday, January 29.

So, if you still want to sign up, come to the meeting tonight at 7:30pm in 300 Richards, or make sure to come next week!

January 22nd Meeting

Come hang out with us tomorrow at 7:30 pm in 300 Richards to talk about upcoming trips and hear from some guests from Leave No Trace! Leave No Trace is an organization that teaches people how to be responsible in the outdoors so that we can enjoy everything that the outdoors has to offer, without ruining it for future generations. Although we all may think we know what we’re doing out there, it’s good to hear some tips from the experts. Here’s a sampling of their message to give you an idea of what they’re all about:

Clearly they’ll be some fun guests, so we’re really looking forward to hosting them. We will also be doing sign-ups for some upcoming trips, so see you all there!


Meeting January 15th

Wednesday, January 15th at 7:30pm in 300 Richards!

We will be doing sign ups for the Intro to Ski and Snowboard trip, and talking about other upcoming trips!

You may also be interested in this video clip of our good friend, Mark Synnott, climbing in Oman! Remember when he came to talk to us about this trip? If you missed that, then you should remember to come to our meetings so that you don’t miss out on more!