Meeting 1/25
HELLLOOOOO NUHOC!! We will be having our weekly meeting this Wednesday, 1/25 at 7:30pm in 103 Churchill Hall. Come join us to hear some fabulous LCT speeches and hear all about some of the upcoming trips we have next weekend!
Mark Synnott is coming to NUHOC!
Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, January 18, at 7:30pm in Blackman Auditorium for our weekly meeting and to hear a talk from Mark Synnott! Mark is a professional rock climber and National Geographic author. This will be his 28th year speaking at Northeastern. He is going to tell us all about his latest adventures. You won’t want to miss it!

Meeting today
We have our first meeting of the semester in Snell Engineering 108 this evening at 7:30 PM! Come join us to learn more about the club and to hear about all the fun trips we have planned for this semester!
Elections – Meeting 12/7
This is the last time you will be hearing from me as VP Pub since this week’s meeting is ELECTIONS!!!! Come vote tomorrow 7:30pm in 309 Kariotis, AND make sure to wear a flannel and bring some food, if you can, for our flannel formal & potluck for our last meeting!
11/30 Meeting – Eboard Nominations!!
HEEELLLOOOO NUHOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week join us tomorrow at 7:30 in Afterhours for our EBOARD NOMINATIONS!!! (and of course an LCT speech!!)
We hope to see you there!!!!
No Meeting Wednesday 11/22
We will not be having a meeting this Wednesday due to Thanksgiving break! Wishing everyone a phenomenal break and hopefully some really good food!!!
See you all next week FOR EBOARD NOMINATIONS!
Meeting 11/16
Please join us this week in 309 Kariotis at 7:30pm on Wednesday for our general meeting!!! This week we are featuring “BIG CHOCOLATE” run by Wible & Ruggles (please bring a cup, or rather anything but a cup)!!
We hope to see you there :):):)
11/9 Meeting
This week join us at 7:30 on Wednesday in 309 Kariotis (the law school building near Stearns and West Village G that no one can find that we were at the weekend of the pumpkin bash) for our weekly meeting! We have loads of trips happening this weekend: Backpacking, climbing sleepover and an open loj AND will be going to rockspot after the meeting!!
Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!
Meeting 11/2
After a spoooooookkkyyyy hallowork we’re back to our usual programming this week!
Come meet us in McLeod (Curry 318) at 7:30 on Wednesday for our general meeting!!! Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!
Pumpkin Bash & Meeting 10/26!!
This week’s meeting will be at Tomorrow 7:30 in 309 Kariotis!
Join us for the pumpkin bash!! Possibly and LCT Speech and just general fun hanging out!!!
Hope to see you there :):)