Weekly Meeting 7/26
HELLLLOOOO NUHOC!! This weeks meeting will be the next rendition of Sponge Games: SPONGE GAMES 2!! Please meet us on Centennial, tomorrow, 7/26, at 7:30 PM. (Come dressed in clothes you wouldn’t mind getting wet in)
Meeting 7/19
HELLLLLLOOOOOOO NUHOC!! Please come join us today, Wednesday, July 19, in Behrakis 220 at 7:30 PM for our next meeting! There will be a trip grants presentation ( ), an LCT speech, and a walk to the Fens for a popsicle relay race! See you all tonight!
Weekly Meeting 7/5
HELLLOOOOOOO NUHOC. This week we will be meeting at 7 pm tonight (Jul 5th) at Ruggles and we will go directly to Revere beach!!! There is finally a break from the rain and it will be a beautiful high of 80 degrees! Feel free to bring snacks, a bathing suit+towel, picnic blanket, and anything else for a beach hang out + watching the sunset. We will be taking the T, so don’t forget your Charlie card. See you all there!
Meeting 6/28
HELLOOO NUHOC!!! This week’s meeting will be held in Behrakis 220 at 7:30pm. After the meeting, we’ll be playing Ultimate Frisbee on Carter Field!
Weekly Meeting 6/21
HELLOOOO NUHOC!!! For this week’s meeting, we’re having a Summer Solstice Picnic on the Charles River Esplanade!!! We’ll meet at 7:30pm, Wednesday June 21st, at the Bank of America ATM (BofA) on Forsyth Street, then walk to the river together and hang out there until the sun sets! Feel free to bring some picnic blankets, group snacks, & lawn games if you want!
Also feel free to join our e-board meeting on Centennial at 6:30pm before the picnic if you want to get involved with planning NUHOC trips/meetings!

This week’s meeting
HELLLOOOOO NUHOC!!! For this week’s meeting, we will be heading to the North End to grab some cannoli and other desserts. We will be meeting at the Bank of America on Forsyth Street tonight at 7:30pm. There will be a group biking and a group taking the T – if you are interested in biking, if possible, please try to bring your own bike, and if taking the T, remember your CharlieCard! Hope to see everyone this evening!
Weekly meeting 5/31
HELLLOOOOOO NUHOC!!! Please join us tomorrow (5/31), in centennial common at 7:30 PM!! We will be going over our weekly routine and then hosting some sponge games! As a reminder, anyone and everyone is welcome to join our eboard meetings. Tomorrows will be at 6:30 in centennial, as well. Come hang out 🙂 🧽🌲🏕️
Weekly Meeting + Weather-Off + Esplanade Walk!
HELLOOOOO NUHOC!! This week’s meeting will be Wednesday, May 17th at 7:30pm in Hurtig 130! We’ll be going over some quick trip announcements and holding our weather-off to elect our NEW WEATHER-PERSON!! Afterwards, we’ll take a little trip to the esplanade to enjoy the nice weather.
Also, for those who are interested – NUHOC e-board meetings are open to all general members, not just those with positions. If you are interested in becoming a more active member of the club and gaining greater insight into how everything works, please consider coming to our e-board meetings! They are every Wednesday before general meetings at 6:30. Locations vary but we will most often be out on Centennial – which is where we’ll be Wednesday! You can be as involved as you like, but please don’t hesitate to speak up with any questions or concerns, should you decide to come.
See everyone Wednesday!

First summer meeting!
HELLOOOO NUHOC!! I hope everyone is having a good summer! Our first meeting will be this Wednesday at 7:30 pm, in Behrakis 220. We’ll be discussing our upcoming ACADIA TRIP!! and talking about our plans for the summer! Afterwards, there’ll be a relay race, and we’ll go outside to enjoy the nice weather. I hope to see everyone there!!

This past weekend, we put a bunch of OSB subflooring on the lodge deck.

Summer E-Board
Congratulations to the newly elected summer e-board!
President: Ben Orton
VP Trips: Erica Sammarco
VP Communications: Noemi Drabkin
VP Publicity: Deb Bender
VP Organization: Sophia Cotman