Meeting 6/5 – FREE SOLO
We will be having a special meeting this week! After the general meeting at 7:30pm on Wednesday in 024 East village we will head to After Hours at 8:00pm to watch Free Solo! Come by to hear about our upcoming trips and to watch a spectacular movie about Alex Honnold’s ascent of El Capitan.
Meeting Notes 5/29
NUHOC Meeting 5/29/19 (WE WENT TO ACADIA)
What did people do this weekend?
Spencer went to the Adirondacks
Mac got 10 kayaks lined up and we paddled as one
Max hiked great head
Mike Nelson (also known as Bike Nelson) biked
Someone else biked 25 miles
Isaac ran up 2 mountains
3 peak hike with Harrison was so fun
Jackson got swarmed by bugs and was a risky belay
Alumni ate lots of chips and salsa
Mia saw bioluminesce and the moonrise at the lighthouse
Lots of alien sightings
This week – M&M (Mac and Mike) intro to backpacking with M&Ms (the candy) at Mt Carrigain, open loj
June 7-8 – Pride at the loj/open loj
June 15-16 – Work weekend
June 22-23 – Open loj
June 29-30 – Parent’s weekend
Member led trips
Help katie move on saturday
Harrison is backpacking June 26-30th
Spencer might go to Mammoth for the 4th of july
*Theja arrives at the meeting*
The loj is like acadia but maybe better and is in the White Mountains
You can do all kinds of things and sleep in the yurt or in a tent or a hammock
You can talk to Nat about becoming a LCT (loj committee trainee) to learn to run the loj
There are gear people who run the gear locker
To get gear, start by filling out the form on (the poem is the link to the form)
Please give the gear back
Things to buy + being a member
Cotton T shirts that say “I’d rather be at the loj” and if you’ve never been there, you’d probably rather be there
New T shirts
Water bottles
Mark Synnott books
You can start the process to be a member by filling out the form on, then bring $10 to a meeting and give it to Jackson or Anna or Tom, they’ll give you a paper form, and then you’ll get a membership card
Reimbursements from acadia
Include your name, student ID, address, and scanned receipts
Insta: @wegoontrips (Harrison posted Acadia pics!)
Join the Google group to get emails
Trip grants
Fund undergrads going on cool trips
Who wants to join the trip grants committee? It’s just Charlie when Mike leaves for Summer 2
You do a preliminary and final proposal and maybe get money!
Summer 2 trip proposals are due June 12
THE WEATHER (Spencer is here)
73 Friday
73 Saturday
71 with rain Sunday
64 Friday
65 Saturday
65 with rain Sunday
Mammoth (Your Mommoth)
Saturday rain
Sunday rain
4th of July fireworks
4 inches of snow on Mt Washington last night
Spencer’s slightly silly snow statistics IS BACK
How many inches of snow on Mt Washington per year? 281
On average how much snow do you need to melt to get one inch of water? 10
In the cottonwood canyons of Utah, how many inches of snow do you need to get one inch of water? 18
Give Spencer a year and a mountain range where they had the most snow there ever. Adirondacks 2019
Theja is going north this weekend and then maybe to the loj and hiking or mountain biking
Meeting 5/29 – Free Solo Next Week!!!
Come to our meeting tonight at 7:30pm in 024 East Village to hear about our past weekend at Acadia, sign up for upcoming trips, and hear about our screening of Free Solo next week!
Meeting 5/22: Acadia Info Session and Clothing swap take 2
Come to our meeting this Wednesday 5/22 at 7:30pm in 024 East Village for all of the information you will need for our trip to Acadia this upcoming weekend! Along with the questions you might have bring your old gear and clothing that you may no longer want and there will be a clothing/gear swap at the end of the meeting.
ACADIA TICKETS ON SALE! Updates to come.
Acadia tickets are now on sale on myNEU for undergrads for $35. On Friday 5/17at 9:30pm they will be on sale for graduate students for $60.
If you bought a ticket, wait patiently for an email survey and packing list that will come out early next week. If you don’t fill out the survey you won’t be added to our rides and food list, so please check your email!! We can’t wait to see you all there!
Meeting 5/15: Acadia Tix and Clothing Swap
Come to our meeting this coming Wednesday at 7:30 pm in 002 East Village! There will be more information about our upcoming trip to Acadia during Memorial Day weekend, as well as signups for our Open Loj this weekend. After the meeting there will be a clothing swap, so bring any gear or clothing you don’t want anymore and maybe you’ll make someone’s day!
Acadia tickets will be going on sale for undergraduates this Wednesday after the meeting at 9:30pm, and for graduates will go on sale on Friday 5/17 at 9:30pm.
Meeting Notes 5/8
Hello Nuhoc and hello Summer 1!
What did people do over the break?
-Zain met Charlie and Nat just now
-Aidan’s going to New Zealand during Summer 2
-Someone is taking a terrible advanced writing online class with a 12 page syllabus that had a hidden easter egg?
-Riverboarding is when you wear a helmet and swim down a white water river (but you also wear a padded wetsuit and fins)
-Max helped his mom move
Open Loj this weekend (May 11/12) and it’s also mother’s day on Sunday
Open Loj next weekend May 18/19
Acadia May 25-27
In the future, formal hike and parents’ weekend
If you’ve never been, at Open Loj people go hiking and climbing and maybe canoeing.
We have campgrounds, we have vans
Tickets come out the 15th at a time that Harrison will find out
There will be hiking, biking, sea kayaking, and (maybe climbing)
It’s $35 for the weekend
If you’re 21 and you’re going to Acadia, please drive a van!
Member-led trips
Somaiya wants to go outdoor climbing on saturday
Ian is gonna go to Tucks on Saturday as a day trip
Ian is going outdoor bouldering at Lincoln Woods on Sunday (but you’ll have to pitch in to rent another car if you come)
Jackson is going to Tucks next weekend and you can also come hang out with him and his mom on mother’s day
Becca wants to go to Echo Lake State Park sometime this summer
Harrison is doing 4-5 backpacking trips this summer(12-15 miles/day for 2 days) (you don’t have to know how to backpack but you gotta keep the pace)
Nat is the loj committee chair and we spell it L-O-J. It’s actually a yurt that we are working on all the time and if you love going to the Loj, you can start the Loj committee training process. That means you do a speech at a meeting and give a gift for the Loj. Then you complete a list (27 items learning how to run the loj) and host a Loj committee dinner. Then get keys for life!
Mac has been awake for 27 hours HELP
You need things in the woods like backpacks and sleeping bags and snowshoes maybe
Go to click some links and get to the form and fill out your info
Pick up the gear (hopefully after a meeting), use it, and bring the gear back
Talk to Dylan or Mac or Dan S if you have questions
Anna and Jackson are on treasury and so is Tom but he isn’t here
To become a member go to the membership tab, do the google form and Jackson/Anna will give you a paper form. Give them back the paper form and $10 cash and they will give you a membership card.
If you’re a member you can get gear and maybe a free coffee punch card.
We have SWAG aka old t shirts ($10), new t shirts ($20), and green nalgenes
We take good and bad pictures and they are on the social media
@wegoontrips on Instagram (People went to Tucks and it’s still winter there and there’s a cool pic on the Insta so follow?)
NUHOC on Facebook
The weather is GREAT
65 in boston on Saturday and 50 on Sunday and Ian says he will not let it rain
54 and 62 on Saturday and Sunday at the Loj (Friday is raining but we’ll ignore that)
Fact from Ian: There’s upside-down lighting called sprites which are decameter sized balls of ionization. To take a picture, be 150-500 km away during a normal thunderstorm and you will maybe catch one. Also, elves are discs of light and we don’t know why.
Jackson wants to know how to sign up for trips? You can do that at the front of the room on a Google form after a meeting (you can also sign up at home after in the meeting notes or on the website but you’ll be later and farther down the list)
Specer wants to know if he can come to the Loj by himself if he has no plans? ANYONE CAN COME TO THE LOJ, there will be people and things to do and you can join in
Is there a mailing list? Join the Google group and follow the social media to get updates
If anyone wants a summer job and has climbed maybe once and doesn’t hate kids, Giuliana can help you, so talk to her
First Summer Meeting
Hellooo NUHOC! Come to our first summer meeting at 7:30pm tonight (5/8) in East Village Room 002 to find out more about our upcoming Open Loj’s, Acadia, and other summer events!
March 13, 2019 Meeting notes
Nat, Dylan, Sam, Avery, skied out west at Mammoth
Tom skied Loon on a weekday and brought the mean age down.
Becca went skiing at loon and did a jump without falling and then got stuck in a parking lot
Zack went in a giant sinkhole
Someone did a hot air balloon ride in Arizona
Theja also went to Arizona
Harrison built a ski jump in his backyard and almost did a 360
Catherine went to some dunes covered in snow
Open Loj/Dog Sledding : March 15-17
Select people will get to go dog sledding
It’s an option on the sign ups whether you’re interested, the first 7 to answer and commit
on their trip call will get a spot to do that. It’ll be $18 even though it’s usually over 100
Open Loj: March 22-24
An open loj is a special place where we go to our loj and we run most of our trips out of.
We’re usually gone during saturday doing some cool things.
SOLO: March 29-31
Wilderness First Aid course we host every year for free to some of our members. This
will be at the Loj this year. It’s a two year certification in
Intro to Stargazing and Orienteering: April 5-7
Cardoso and an alum Nick DePorzio
Lead Orienteering during the day, and then hike up to the ledges and star gaze
Run of the Charles: April 28th
It’s a canoe race we’ve been doing for about 30 years and you race down the charles
and back and race against the alumni. We do 2 teams of 10 people, so we’ll start sign
ups too.
Tentative trips: Intro to XC and Snow School
Owen and Sam are doing LCT speeches tonight.
Hello, I’m sam I’m a second year, I’m owen im a first year.
Nuhoc was started in 1941 by william robinson and gordon brown as a skiing club and started doing more outdoorsy things and added the oc part. In 1971 they had the idea to build a loj and named it the brown memorial loj which is now a yurt because it burned down in 2015, but the spirit is still there.
The loj is taken care of by the loj committee and you can become an LCT to become an LC and you have to go to the loj three times, give a speech, and give a gift, and once you do that you get a list of 27 items that you need to get checked off like how to open, build a fire, and then cook a dinner for the LC members and they vote and if you get a good rating you get keys for life.
Owen: I was looking for ways to get out of the city and i found NUHOC. Over the summer I was looking at it and got really excited. My first trip was intro to backpacking with Theja and we went to a lake an I lost my glasses and had to walk back without seeing. Then I went to Nucomers, did howe peak.
I’ve been up to the loj a couple times and have cut my fingers twice on a knife so I got a knife sharpener to prevent anymore injuries. Two different sharpeners, coarse and fine.
Sam: I was also looking for a way to get outdoors. I’m a transfer student and my school didn’t have an outdoors club (or really anything) and wanted to find people to ski with an go outdoors and nuhoc has a lot of those people and I really like it and have liked all the people and have wanted to be a part of that and take care of the loj.
I actually got this idea when I was driving back from the loj with Meg and Cardoso so this guy’s kinda a stand in, but I bought a pack of disposable cameras. I thought it would be great to have loj specific cameras so people could document some of the weird shit that happens there and the progress that has been made since the loj burned down. I haven’t been to the archives, but I’m sure there’s photos there that people can look at so being able to document what’s happening now would be great for the future. They can last in water and stuff but they have film so we can get them in CD’s or Print, maybe put the online or scrapbook or something.
What’s your favorite memory? Owen’s was winter carnival. Happening to win and learning he can jump really high.
Sam’s was also winter carnival. Owen and I were on the same team. Honesty our talent show was my favorite thing, just planning it for 2 hours.
What’s your favorite moose on the way to the loj? Owen likes the one by the police station; Sam agrees.
How many chains is it from the split in the hastings trail to the loj property? Depends on the path; 15
What’s your favorite color? Waters edge blue; orangeish
Use that color for your least favorite with that color: No answers
What item on the list are you most excited for? Owen orienteering; Sam running a trip
What would a trip be? Skiing photography shoot where you can rent really long lenses and take photos of people doing almost spins. No offense to Harrison but Owen would like to make the winter backpacking trip actually happen
If you could build a second loj anywhere in the world? New Zealand; Japan (good skiing apparently)
What’s your favorite loj food/what would you cook? Chili; Egg scramble that connor made was good
How many peaks are there above 5000 feet in NH name them? Washington, Adams
So you’re driving home from the loj, you’re about to get to storrow, what is the bridge? Leverett Circle connector bridge
What’s the genus and species of a moose? I don’t do science; moose moose
What is the most prominent mountain after mount washington? Loon; it’s prominent in my heart. Adams is the tallest you can’t drive up. Prominence is the height difference between its surroundings.
Left or right and why? Right is usually more convenient. Shitters left.
Big mountain little mountain or little mountain big mountain? Big mountain little mountain
Choose between a window that can be opened or closed between the two outhouses or motion sensor lights in the outhouse? The window for sure.
This is your final question: So you decide you’re both gonna go up to the loj this weekend, super sweet conditions, so you’re walking up and you each have only your gift in your hands, just the two of you and you start to hear something walking behind you even though everyone is in front of you. There’s a faint red light in the distance, it can’t be a car. Out form the woods comes a whole pack of laser meese, what are you gonna do to fight them and protect the loj? The laser meese have a mortal enemy, the taser geese. They’ve been locked in combat for centuries so the plan is to make an alliance with the laser meese. So hypothetically, it would be better to make an alliance with the taser geese. The knife sharpener doesn’t really do much but the meese don’t know that. The geese also have talons and beaks that can be sharpened, so in close range they can beat them.
Sam doesn’t want to befriend them. Sam will have several cameras that have a mean flash and take all of them and rapid fire at the laser meese and it will burn their eyes and rid their lasers because you can fight a pack of regular meese.
We’ve got gear in this little room that sometimes drips on you in curry. We’ve had it for uh 56 years, it’s got some cool stuff in it. If you want it, you should go on the website. The correct answer is wednesday, and you should return it.
Being a member is pretty cool. You don’t have to be a member to come on trips, but you do for gear for trips.
Next week at 8:11 we’ll be selling these key chains for $2 so come back for that. Half off if you have keys to the loj.
Facebook: Nuhoc Loj
Insta: @wegoontrips
We got a lot of submissions this week, but Charlie won.
If you want to win, either submit on insta or email.
Friday- 61/44 rainy
Saturday- 49/31 partly cloudy
Sunday- 42/27 partly cloudy
Friday- 56/35 rain
Saturday- 40/19 rain
Sunday- 28/11 cloudy
Trip Grants Presentation
Basically, we have money to give you to run new, novel, fun trips that are outside NUHOC’s normal scope we can help you plan it.
If you go on our website, and go to trip grant program you can find the bylaws and that we have $800 for this upcoming summer semester to give out.
Go to
Trip grant program
Proposal and fill out the preliminary form. This is NOT the full proposal.
Once we have that, we look at all of them and will send back feedback for a full proposal that has all the details
Charlie made an example for kayaking in the boston harbor. It takes about 5 hours if you do it right. This is posted on the trip grants website; logistics, map, transportation, food, lodging, gear, safety, expected cost. You can only fund up to $500 for a large trip (multi day).
At the end of the semester, we look at all the proposals we get and allocate a budget.
After your trip, you’ll give a presentation on it.
3/27: deadline for preliminary feedback
4/03: feedback will be given
4/10: feedback not guaranteed
4/17: final proposals due
5/08: First meeting of summer semester, grants announced.
What trips? New, requires planning, somewhat challenging for members, looks cool for everyone to see.
Fundable trips: multi day trips, climbing at a national park, sailing, snorkeling, sea kayaking.
Not: stuff in the whites we always do.
Examples: Dog sledding, climbing katahdin, hiking the AT, summer skiing in Switzerland, national parks
Memberled Trips
March 30-31 Mt. Greylock with Cardoso sign up with Erika
Anyone going to Sunday river on Saturday?
There’s an rei garage sale on Saturday morning
Just a reminder, next week’s meeting is Hans Florine (a climber) coming to talk to us. There’s a stretching clinic at 5 in cabot. It’s in the basement in Behrakis 010. Talk to Avery if you want more details.
February 27, 2019 Meeting
Come to 310 Behrakis at 7:30 to learn about trips during spring break and beyond!