The Northeastern University Huskiers and Outing Club is the outdoors club at Northeastern University. We do outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, biking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, and more!

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Meeting Tomorrow


Guess what! Tomorrow evening, we’ll be having a small meeting on the Curry Student Center roof deck at 7:30 pm. This is a great meeting to come to if you have any gear to return to the gear locker or would just like to catch up with fellow nature enthusiasts who might be moving back into the city.

Our first *official* meeting of fall semester will be NEXT WEEK on September 9th at 7:30 pm. Keep an eye out for details to come regarding location.

Bad joke of the week: What’s brown and sticky?

Meeting tomorrow

Heeh guys,
Tomorrow we have a meeting in a different location 408 ELL HALL. Thats right, 408 ELL HALL makes a come back. Same time as usual though; 7:30 pm so just leave a little early if you tend to get lost. This is going to be an exciting meeting because we are doing Eboard nominations. Nominate your friends and maybe even yourself for the fall Eboard. Beside nominations come sign up for the Boston Harbor Islands ​ day trip, which is on August the 16th

Outdoor fact of the week:
There are 10000-20000 sheets of paper per tree. Good thing the excelsior is online at our website so you don’t have to print it out and waste paper.
See you guys at 7:30 pm. where? 408 ELL HALL!


After a long wait of over 5 years we bring you the Excelsior, NUHOC’s annual magazine.  This Excelsior edition has everything from trip reports, puzzles to a special section dedicated to the Loj. Read it for the memories or get psyched for your next trip, Excelsior should be an enjoyable read.

Excelsior 2015 Final

Lots of reading pleasure.

Meeting tomorrow

Hi guys,
We have a meeting this week at 7:30 pm in 440 Curry!
Come learn more about our trips like the Boston Harbor Island Trip and sign up or hear about other people’s cool adventures such as the Cap Cod bike trip.

Fun fact:
In the Boston Harbor Islands, Spectacle island was augmented with big dig dirt and clay. They had to dump it some where and an island seemed like a good spot.

Meeting tomorrow 7/22!!!!

Heeh guys,
There is a meeting this week back in our trusty 440 curry student center.   Thats 440 curry student center.  Come sign up for trips and and enjoy the outdoors in these beautiful summer days.  At tomorrow’s meeting we even will have Zach​ give a presentation about his cool experiences in Japan.
Thats 7:30pm Wednesday 7/22 440 curry student center.
Hope to see you there.
Fun fact of the week:
Did you know that marino recently redid their climbing wall?

Meeting tomorrow, July 15th

Heeh guys,
We have a meeting this week at 7:30pm Wednesday in 408 Ell hall. Yes thats right not in the curry student center but in 408 ELL HALL. Come learn and sign up Mystic River Cleanup and Ben’s Ipswich River Canoe Trip. The mystic river clean up is this Thursday at 6:30pm. A great opportunity to help out and enjoy some Free canoeing. Come after co-op and classes and help us win against MIT. The Ipswich River Canoe trip is another opportunity to enjoy the water this weekend. So come to the meeting in 408 ELL HALL and sign up for trips.

Outdoor fact of the week:
Despite being designated a “10 Most Threatened Rivers in America”, as determined by American Rivers, The Ipswich watershed is still a beautiful site that should be visited.

Meeting tomorrow

Heeh guys,
There is a meeting this week in room 440 curry student center at 7:30pm and we have some exciting trips to come and sign up for. Sign up for Doug and Chris’ backpacking trip, or Mystic River Cleanup a fun way to help the community in Boston, and the Ipswitch River Canoe trip for all our paddlers out there. Hope to see you guys all there to tell about your 4th of july adventures and sign up for future trips.
Fun Fact of the week:
Tuckermans ravine is still ski-able. There is is still snow on Mt. Washington.

Meeting tomorrow

Hey guys,
We have a meeting tomorrow at 7:30 at 440 curry student center. Join us for the last meeting of summer 1 and play some outdoor trivia for prizes, listen to an LCT speech and sign up for some fun up coming trips.

Fun fact of the week:
A 5 year old was able to hike all 48 4000 footers in the white mountains with in a year.

Meeting tomorrow.

Hey guys,
We are having a meeting tomorrow at 7:30 pm in 440 Curry student center. Come to share about your adventures and hear about upcoming trips that Nuhoc is planning is going on .

Interesting fact:
Besides it being fathers day this sunday it is also National naked hiking day. So don’t be surprised on the trails.

Meeting Tonight, June 10th!

Helllooo NUHOC!
Come to our meeting tonight at 7:30pm in 440 Curry to hear about upcoming trips including the Cape Cod Bike trip, a day trip to the Boston Harbor Islands, a canoe trip, and more!

Interesting fact of the week:
If you add up the acreage of all of the Boston Harbor Islands, the sum varies between 1483 and 3067 acres during the tidal cycles.